CRYSTALS-Dilithium: LWE-based digital signature


NIST’s Post-Quantum standardization process identified two cryptographic schemes to be intended as “primary” solutions. With regard to Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs), key derivation schemes, CRYSTALS-Kyber was selected, while from the perspective of digital signatures, the choice fell to CRYSTALS-Dilithium.

Within modern cryptographic communication protocols, Dilithium will replace the schemes currently used for digital signatures, including RSA and those based on elliptic curves, both of which have been proven to be vulnerable to attacks by a quantum computer.


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The authors

Francesco Stocco, a master’s degree in Mathematics at the University of Padua and the Université de Bordeaux attending the course of study “Algebra Geometry And Number Theory” (ALGANT), joined the Telsy research group in Cryptography at the end of 2020 focusing in particular on issues related to quantum technologies.

Marco Rinaudo, a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the University of Turin and a master’s degree with a specialization in Cryptography from the University of Trento. Following a 2022 curricular internship at Telsy, he has been part of the Cryptography Research Group since January 2023.