Privacy & Data Protection

Cyber Risk Management

The Privacy & Data Protection service provides organizations with useful tools, operational capabilities, and technologies to support the protection of personal and sensitive data, ensuring compliance with regulations such as GDPR for all stakeholders involved in the processing of personal data, along with the management of data breaches, document, and assets.

In addition, the service supports the client in defining/reviewing the Register of Treatment, as well as carrying out DPIA, and security risk assessment of the processing, to define a remediation plan for the measures to be taken.

Contact us at to learn more and learn about the service’s contents.

Privacy by Design

Support for assessment of data processing compliance concerning GDPR implementation by default.

GDPR Compliance

Assessment, definition, and review of the Register of Treatment, DPIA, and security risk assessment.


Legal assessment


Risk evaluation


Action Plan


GDPR compliance

Discover our Cyber Risk Management solutions


Vulnerability Management

Specialized services for Vulnerability Assessment, Penetration Testing, API Testing, Ransomware Attack Simulation, Breach Attack Simulation, and Active Directory Health Check.


TIM Check & Support

A comprehensive solution to reduce cyber risk and ensure technical and legal support in the event of an incident.


Pre-screening NIS2

Provides a general overview of the organization’s compliance with the security measures of the European NIS2 Directive.


Risk Assessment & Treatment

Provides an efficient strategic cybersecurity investment plan based on the actual level of exposure to cyber risk and the cost-effectiveness of the measures to be taken.


Business Resilience

Helps companies prevent, manage, and recover from cyber incidents, ensuring business continuity even during attacks.


Governance & Compliance

Supports the customer in assessing the organization’s compliance relative to the requirements under the current regulatory landscape.