Seminar – “An introduction to secure multi – party computation”
Telsy seminar of Giuseppe D’Alconzo entitled: “An introduction to secure multi – party computation”
The seminar, organized with The Polytechnic University of Turin, will be held on Monday 15 July at 14.30 PM in Polytechnic’s Aula Buzano – Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche
Abstract: Secure Multi Party Computation (MPC) is a branch of cryptography that allows a set of players to evaluate a public function on private inputs, revealing no information about them apart from the computed output. It is an alternative to the strong assumption of the existence of a trusted party. It was born in the 1980s as a theoretical and not so treatable field for its computational complexity, but the developments of the last years made MPC a powerful tool to solve real-world problems: numerous applications have been developed and its popularity is in strong growth. In this talk the ideas underlying this practice and the various application scenarios will be exposed, together with a current state of the art.