Cyber, physical and reputational risks exposure

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The growing online presence of personal data on platforms, social networks, digital collaboration tools and so on increases, the risks exposure associated with this availability is also increased.

From a security perspective, the massive presence and relative ease of data retrieval represents a vulnerability, which translates into easy opportunities for malicious actors, who can use it to their advantage.


The cyber risk

The cyber risk grows with increasing use of the network and the interactions that take place on the internet.

L’esposizione al rischio cyber, fisico e reputazionale doxingThis scenario, together with creating numerous opportunities, has generated new risks for people and companies: data loss, fraudulent actions, business interruptions by blocking computer systems, theft of confidential, personal or sensitive information and their consequent online dissemination without the consent of the interested parties, a practice known as “doxing“.

Both for organizations (public and private) and for the relative top figures – managers, politicians and public figures, even not necessarily linked to the business world but particularly exposed on the web – keeping under control the availability of one’s data online is essential for prevent the above risks.


The physical and reputational risk

reputationHowever, cyber risks do not pertain only to the digital sphere. From a “trivial” theft of credentials can result, for example, unwanted intrusions in social profiles, distorting information or data in order to compromise the reputation of the subject.

Similarly, content or information on the subject retrieved on the web can be distorted, decontextualized or appropriately altered with the aim of setting up a smear campaign on the same.

Once you have obtained information on the home address of the person concerned or on his or her network of contacts, it is possible to run into physical risks such as unwanted presences near the home or workplace.


Cyber, physical and reputational risk prevention

There are many prevention systems against cyber, physical and reputational risk.

Correct management and updating of passwords / credentials on platforms, social networks, work tools, etc. it is definitely the first step to prevent data theft or loss.

In the case of particularly exposed individuals, however, it is possible to use tools specifically designed to monitor their online presence.

In this sense, Telsy has designed and developed a service specifically dedicated to this need: VIP Digital Protection, a module of the TelsyOlimpo platform.


VIP Digital Protection: prevention against cyber, physical and reputational risk

TelsyOlimpo, Telsy’s Decision Intelligence solution, is a modular platform based on innovative Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing technologies, which allows the integration and real-time processing of internal and external data to the organization to provide decision makers with the key to making time-sensitive decisions and, at the same, time automating analytical processes.

L’esposizione al rischio cyber, fisico e reputazionale intelligenceOne of the specific operational contexts of TelsyOlimpo is the VIP Digital Protection, a module specifically designed to identify and analyze the data present on the network, contextualizing them in the various risk profiles.

Through a continuous data gathering process, TelsyOlimpo provides specialized analysts with all the useful elements to trace a complete analysis on the target exposure, also allowing to correlate the data exposure to the more properly reputational aspects inferable from web & social listening activities.

The platform, therefore, allows to provide continuous reporting support, based on both a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the information and to identify all possible risk scenarios with speed and precision.

Thanks to specific dashboards, the TelsyOlimpo VIP Digital Protection module finally allows analysts to provide the person concerned with all the tools and indications to undertake any countermeasures aimed at mitigating and correcting the various exposure profiles.


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