Telsy has recently entered into Quantum Telecommunications Italy

Telsy has recently completed its entry into Quantum Telecommunications Italy (QTI) with a minority stake in the share capital of this startup active in the field of quantum fiber optic communications and emerging technologies.

Last October, the startup was established as a spin-off of the National Research Council (CNR) within the National Institute of Optics in Florence (INO).

Telsy entry into QTI’s share capital represents an essential step in designing, developing, and producing quantum communications for the public, the private sector, and the academic and research world.

The startup’s mission is to exploit the new frontiers of physics, such as quantum mechanics, to ensure even more efficient, secure, and faster communications, capable of making connections between devices, such as computers and quantum sensors, possible.

QTI is a state-of-the-art company in the world of quantum communication and the construction and installation of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) systems.

This technology, applied in the telecommunications market, makes it possible to create increasingly cutting-edge cryptographic circuits, which rely on fiber optic communication architectures. See Team Group press release

Press review

ANSA – TIM: Telsy entra nel capitale di Quantum

RADIOCOR – TIM: Telsy perfezione l’ingresso nel capitale della startup

Qti ASKANEWS – TIM, Telsy entra nella startup Quantum Telecommunications Italy

NOVA – Imprese: Telsy entra nel capitale della startup Quantum Telecommunications Italy

LAPRESSE – TIM, Telsy entra in capitale startup Quantum Telecommunications Italy

ITALPRESS – Telsy: Entra nel capitale startup Quantum Telecommunications Italy

Agenzia Giornalistica Italia – TIM: Telsy entra in capitale di Quantum Telecommunications Italy – Gruppo TIM, Telsy entra nel capitale della startup Quantum Telecommunications Italy

MondoMobileWeb – Gruppo TIM: Telsy entra nel capitale della startup Quantum Telecommunications Italy (QTI)

IlGiornaledItalia – TIM, Tesly entra nel capitale della stratup Quantum Telecommunications Italy

Italia Oggi – Brevi – Telsy

CORCOM – Telsy si rafforza sulle comunicazioni quantistiche ed entra in Qti

Finanza – La Repubblica – Gruppo TIM, Telsy entra nel capitale della startup Quantum Telecommunications Italy

Economia – Il Messaggero – Gruppo TIM, Telsy entra nel capitale della startup Quantum Telecommunications Italy

Mondo 3 – Telsy entra nel capitale sociale di Quantum Telecommunications Italy

AdnKronos – TIM: Telsy entra in startup Quantum Telecommunications Italy